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    2006年毕业于中国科学技术大学热科学和能源工程系,获工程热物理专业博士学位,现任中国科学院广州能源研究所燃烧与热流研究室主任。研究员,博士生导师,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学分会会员,国际燃烧学会会员,中国化学学会会员,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,广东省党外知识分子建言献策专家组科技教育组专家。作为负责人承担国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划培育、863/973/科技部重大研发计划子课题、中科院先导专项子课题任务、国家自然科学基金面上及青年、广东省重点研发计划、企业横向开发项目18项。在Combustion and FlameProceedings of the Combustion InstituteChemical Engineering JournalFuelEnergyComputers & Fluids等国内外著名燃烧、化工、流体学术刊物和会议上发表论文120余篇,申请/授权国家发明专利25项,登记软件版权12项。多次被评为燃烧专业顶级期刊Combustion and Flame的杰出审稿人。








[1]Haowen Li, Xiaohan Wang*, Xing Li, Yi Su*, Shicheng Zhang, Qianshi Song, Zhaofan Tang. Experimental studies on n-heptane pyrolytic characteristics in CO2/H2O atmosphere. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 154 (2021) 104999. 

[2]Song. Q, Wang. X*, Gu. C, Wang. N, Li. H, Su. H, Huo. J, Qiao. Y, A comprehensive model of biomass char-CO2 gasification reactivity with inorganic element catalysis in the kinetic control zone based on TGA analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 389 (2020) 125624.  

[3]Li, T., Pan, J., Kong, F., Xu, B.*, Wang, X.*. A quasi-direct numerical simulation solver for compressible reacting flows. Computers & Fluids 213 (2020) 104718. 

[4]Shoujun Ren, Xiaohan Wang*. NOx emission and its reduction mechanism investigation in one diffusion-like vortex-tube combustor. Journal of Cleaner Production 274 (2020) 123138. 

[5]苏航,霍杰鹏,汪小憨*,等. 亚毫米空间内火焰从层流向爆燃模式的转变特性研究. 推进技术, 2020, 41: 2302-2307. 

[6]Xiaohan Wang*, Qianshi Song, Yong Wu, Xing Li, Tao Li, Xiaojun Zeng. Modelling and numerical simulation of n-heptane pyrolysis coking characteristics in a millimeter-sized tube reactor. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 201: 44-56. 

[7]Xiaohan Wang*, Qianshi Song, Ning Wang, Hang Su, Xiaojun Zeng, Weibin Yang. Theoretical modelling of the chemical reactivity of fresh biomass chars under non-catalytic conditions. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 273: 244-250. 

[8]Y. Wu, X. H Wang*, Q. S. Song, L.G. Zhao, H. Su, H. H. Li, X. J. Zeng, D. Q. Zhao, J. Z. Xu. The effect of temperature and pressure on n-heptane thermal cracking in regenerative cooling channel. Combustion and Flame, 2018, 194: 233-244. 

[9]Xiaohan Wang*, Xiaojun Zeng, Haolin Yang, Daiqing Zhao. General modeling and numerical simulation of the burning characteristics of porous chars. Combustion and Flame, 2012, 159: 2457-2465. 

[10]Wang XH*, Zhao DQ, He LB, et al. Modeling of a coal-fired slagging combustor: Development of a slag sub-model. Combustion and Flame, 2007, 149: 249~260.









[8]国家自然科学基金面上项目,51276184CO2 气氛下生物质焦炭非催化气化动力学通用模型构建,2013.01-2016.12,项目负责人 




